Efecto de raza, momento del día y características del pelo sobre la frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria, y temperatura rectal y de piel en vacunos en zona de confort

Resumen El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la raza, momento del día y media de la densidad de pelos (MDenP) sobre la frecuencia cardiaca (FC), frecuencia respirato- ria (FR), temperatura de piel (T°P), temperatura rectal (T°R) y diferencia T°R- T°P. Se trabajó con 10 vaquillas (4 Holstein y 6 criollas) entre 14 […]

Variaciones de la densidad, diámetro y crecimiento de fibras, expansión de piel y peso vivo desde el nacimiento al destete en corderos Junín

RESUMEN: A los días 0 (nacimiento), 30, 60, 90 y 120 (destete), 19 corderos de raza Junín fueron evaluados, con el objetivo de: a) conocer las variaciones de 14 características relacionadas a la densidad de fibras, conductos pilosos e incidencias de haces de fibras, al diámetro, crecimiento de fibras, a aquellos ligados a la expansión […]


Resumen La investigación fue ejecutada en el Centro de Desarrollo Alpaquero Toccra CEDAT– DESCO, ubicado en el Departamento de Arequipa; con el objetivo de cuantificar la densidad de fibras (DenFib), densidad de conductos pilosos (DenCP) y relación fibras/conductos (Fib/CP), así como estimar el grado de relación entre dichas características. Se evaluaron 344 alpacas de diferente [...]

Relationships between the incidence and degree of medullation with the diameter of alpaca fibers evaluated using a novel device based on artificial intelligence

Abstract The presence of medullated fibers affects the textile processing, comfort and appeal of alpaca apparel. Measuring the incidence of medullated fibers is slow and expensive. Previous reports of the incidence of medullated fibers are often based on small test samples. The objectives of this work were to: (1) evaluate the Fiber Med device which [...]

Application of artificial intelligence and digital images analysis to automatically determine the percentage of fiber medullation in alpaca fleece samples

Abstract The aim of this research is to develop and validate two computer programs based on artificial intelligence (AI) and digital image analysis (DIA) in order to determine the incidence of medullation in white alpaca fibers. Two data sets were analyzed: 76 samples of Huacaya alpaca fibers obtained from Huancavelica, Peru, and 200 samples of [...]

Group structure in vicuña (Vicugna vicugna mensalis) subject to chaku management in central Andes, Peru

Abstract A detailed analysis has been made of family group structure of a Peruvian vicun ̃a (Vicugna vicugna mensalis) population subject to human management to obtain their fiber through shearing (the so-called chaku procedure). Animals inhabit a fenced area of natural grassland, and without human intervention, apart from the chaku procedure, which takes place once [...]

Calibration and validation of the Mini-fiber EC image analysis instrument mean fiber diameter through direct or primary measurements

Abstract The Minifiber EC (MFEC) is a portable instrument for measuring the diameter of animal fibers. Its accuracy and precision have been estimated but by comparing its measurements with those of laboratory devices that had been calibrated on other devices in turn, not on a direct or primary measure of diameter. This work attempts to [...]

Potential for a machine learning method to be applied to the study of herbivore diets

Potential for a machine learning method to be applied to the study of herbivore diets Conclusions: The software generated using artificial intelligence achieves great accuracy in the identification and counting epidermal plant fragments in microscope slides of faecal samples, improving the study of herbivore diets.   Introduction: Food selection is a central concept in wildlife [...]

Evaluation of a new portable device that measures diameter of animal fibres

Evaluation of a new portable device that measures diameter of animal fibres Abstract Increasing production of animal fibres has increased the need for a portable instrument that measures fibre diameter and associated characteristics with precision and accuracy. This research evaluated a new portable fibre tester (PFT) by measuring the diameter and related characteristics of tops [...]