Artificial intelligence as a potential tool for micro‐histological analysis of herbivore diets

ABSTRACT Diferent non-invasive techniques have been used to determine herbivore diet composition from fecal samples, including micro-histological analysis of epidermal fragments. This method can provide reliable semi-quantitative data through the identifcation of plant cell structures visualized under an optical microscope. However, this method is highly time consuming and it requires signifcant expertise in microscopic identifcation. […]

Potential for a machine learning method to be applied to the study of herbivore diets

Potential for a machine learning method to be applied to the study of herbivore diets Conclusions: The software generated using artificial intelligence achieves great accuracy in the identification and counting epidermal plant fragments in microscope slides of faecal samples, improving the study of herbivore diets.   Introduction: Food selection is a central concept in wildlife [...]

Comparación de la dieta de rebaños mixtos en pajonales altoandinos

Comparación de la dieta de rebaños mixtos en pajonales altoandinos Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la composición de la dieta de distintas especies ganaderas bajo pastoreo mixto en la puna. Se cercaron cuatro parcelas en dos zonal de pajonal que fueron pastoreadas por rebaños mixtos de alpaca-llama, ovino-bovinos, alpaca-ovino y alpaca-bovino. Mediante [...]