Comparison of projection microscope with OFDA100 in alpaca fibers medullation

SUMMARY The aim of this research was to compare Projection Microscope (PMic) and Computerized Projection Microscope (CPMic) with Optical Fiber Diameter Analyzer (OFDA100), for the determination of the medullation in alpaca fibers expressed in percentage (MED). Fiber samples were taken from Pacomarca Scientific Station. Three experiments were carried out. At experiment 1, the MED was […]


by D.W.F. TURPIE and C.H. STEENKAMP Gubb & Inggs Limited, Uitenhage, South Africa. with comments by L. HUNTER* *CSIR Division of Textile Technology. Port Elizabeth, South Africa SUMMARY: In a quest to find an objetive measure of those medullated fibres which “stand out” as being “optically different” and “objectionable” commercial mohair tops (including good quality […]

The Definitions of Medullation Threshold Values used by Different Testing Methods to Define an Objectionable Medullated Fibre in Merino Wool.

A review by Anjalika Balasingam Conclusion There is no objective definition of a contaminant medullated wool fibre that can be substantiated by published trials. The American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) has published a definition in ASTM-D 2968-89 that uses the ratio of medulla to fibre diameter to define contaminant medullation. But we have been […]

Calibration and validation of the Mini-fiber EC image analysis instrument mean fiber diameter through direct or primary measurements

Abstract The Minifiber EC (MFEC) is a portable instrument for measuring the diameter of animal fibers. Its accuracy and precision have been estimated but by comparing its measurements with those of laboratory devices that had been calibrated on other devices in turn, not on a direct or primary measure of diameter. This work attempts to [...]

Evaluation of a new portable device that measures diameter of animal fibres

Evaluation of a new portable device that measures diameter of animal fibres Abstract Increasing production of animal fibres has increased the need for a portable instrument that measures fibre diameter and associated characteristics with precision and accuracy. This research evaluated a new portable fibre tester (PFT) by measuring the diameter and related characteristics of tops [...]

Cuticle and cortical cell morphology of alpaca and other rare animal fibres

ABSTRACT The null hypothesis of the experiments reported is that the cuticle and cortical morphology of rare animal fibres are similar. The investigation also examined if the productivity and age of alpacas were associated with cuticle morphology and if seasonal nutritional conditions were related to cuticle scale frequency. Cuticle and cortical cell dimensions and ellipticity [...]

Development and preliminary validation of an automatic digital analysis system for animal fibre analysis

Conclusion An advanced driver assisted system (ADAS) called FIBER-EC was designed and developed. It is capable of performing AF, SDAFD, CVAFD, CF, PF and SF, derived in farm conditions, with a system of computer vision, implemented and associated with a mechanical structure for generating displacement of a sample holder in the XY plane. Environmental temperature [...]

Determinación de la mejor zona de muestreo en vellones de llamas (Lama glama) Chaku para seis características tecnológicas

Introducción La existencia de variaciones de las diversas características tecnológicas en vellones de animales entre las diversas zonas corporales, exige el muestreo de cada zona para obtener el promedio de todo el vellón. Por tal razón en ovinos, alpacas, cabras y vicuñas se han realizado estudios a fin de determinar el punto óptimo de muestreo. [...]

Componentes de varianza y repetibilidad de características productivas y textiles de la fibra en alpacas (Vicugna pacos) Huacaya criadas a nivel comunal

Resumen A fin de estimar componentes de varianza fenotípica, correlación fenotípica y repetibilidad de media de diámetro de fibra (MDF), coeficiente de variación de MDF (CVMDF), peso de vellón (PVe), índice de curvatura (IC) y longitud de mecha (LM), se realizó un ensayo con 41 alpacas (22 machos y 19 hembras) en los años 2009 [...]