An advanced driver assisted system (ADAS) called FIBER-EC was designed and developed. It is capable of performing AF, SDAFD, CVAFD, CF, PF and SF, derived in farm conditions, with a system of computer vision, implemented and associated with a mechanical structure for generating displacement of a sample holder in the XY plane. Environmental temperature and relative humidity can be monitored. According to the validation, FIBER-EC can be used to evaluate alpaca, llama and sheep in the laboratory and on farm because it has high precision, accuracy and repeatability. Additionally, fibre assessment between OFDA 2000 and FIBER-EC had a high correlation for on-farm conditions, but differences among measurements were found. While the measurements were being carried out, FIBER-EC showed well defined images, allowing the user to view the images of the fibres in real time.
CONCYTEC’s FONDECYT supported this work through agreement No 279-2015-FONDECYT-DE. Saul Fonseca and Dr Bruce McGregor are thanked for their support in English grammar. Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica is also thanked for allowing us to work in its Textile Fibres Lab.